Penggunaan Kata Lontaran There (The Expletive There)

Kata lontaran there, cara menggunakan There, Expletive there dan contohnya

edukasibahasainggris-Selamat siang para pembaca dimanapun anda berada semoga sehat selalu, amin. Kemarin saya sudah shere tentang Passive Voice, kali ini saya akan shere "kata lontaran There".

Bila kita ingin memberitahukan bahwa sesuatu itu ada atau tidak ada maka biasanya menggunakan kata THERE. Bila subject dari verb BE (auxiliary/modal) adalah a noun (kata benda yang mewakili an indifinite person (orang yang tak tertentu) or things (sesuatu) maka biasanya THERE diletakkan sebelum verb BE dan kata benda atau sesuatu diletakkan setelah BE. 

Kata lontaran there


1. There is someone at the door.

(Ada orang di pintu)..

2. There can be no doubt about it. (Tidak ada keraguan mengenai hal itu).

3. There is an egg in that nest. (Ada sebuah telur dalam sarang itu)

4. There are eggs in that nest.

(Ada telur-telur di sarang itu) 

5. There is something wrong.

(Ada sesuatu yang tak beres)

Biasanya the linking verbs yang menyertai There adalah BE. Ada beberapa pola kalimat yang umum menggunakan The Expletive There, yaitu:

There+be+ (pro) noun+expression of place or of time


1. There is nobody here.

2. There is a piano in the room. 

3. There isn't much milk in that glass

4. There were a lot of students here yesterday. 

5. There were several parties last week.

6. There's going to be a party tomorrow. (Akan ada sebuah pesta besok).

2. There+be+noun with adjective modifier (s)


1. There are different ways to do it.

2. There are two blankets for each bed.

3. There are many doctors who can help you.

4. There are (some) people who like him.

3. There + be +Noun + -Ing Participle


1. There is a storm approaching. (=A storm is approaching).

2. There is a strong wind coming up from the west.

(-A strong wind is coming up from the west).

3. There was a girl water skiing on the lake. ("A girl was water skiing on the lake).

3. There + be + Nounn+ -ing Participle


1. There is a storm approaching. (=A storm is approaching). 

2. There is a strong wind coming up from the west.

(= strong wind is coming up from the west). 3. There was a girl water skiing on the lake. (=A girl was water skiing on the lake).

Kadang-kadang past participle sering dipakai juga, dan susunan ini untuk maksud passive. 


1. There were many people killed in the last war. (= Many people were killed in the last war).

2. There have been more Americans killed in road accidents than in all the warsi Since 1900. (= More Americans have been killed in road........).

Beberapa verb yang sering digunakan setelah Expletive There, yaitu: appear, come, go, happen, live, remain, seem, enter, follow, etc. Contoh:

1. Once upon a time there lived a wicked king. 

2. There seem to be two reason for his success.

3. There remains nothing more to be done. 4. There comes a time when we must all face our maker.                                                            5. Suddenly there entered a strange figure dressed all in black.

4. There + be + noun phrase + to-infinitive clouse


1. There was no one for us to talk to. 

2. There is great need for the papers to be ready before Friday.

5. There dapat bertindak sebagai subject dalam infinitive dan-ing Clause.


1. I don't want there to be any more trouble.

2. I'd like there to be a swimming-pool in the garden. 

3. There appear to be several reasons for changing our (bukan: There appears to be........).

4. He was dissappointed at (there being) so little to do. 

5. What's the chance of there being an election this year?

6. Expletive There atau juga here, biasanya digunakan untuk (sebagai) Exclamatory Sentence (kalimat seru). 


1. There goes the bell! (Lonceng lagi berbunyi!)

2. There you have me!

(Di situlah kami kena !)

3. There they are! (Itulah mereka!)

4. Here he comes!

[Itu (lah) Dia datang!]

5. Here commes the bus!

(Itulah bis datang!)

6. Here l am !

(Inilah saya)

7. Here goes !

(Beginilah !)


Untuk membuat pertanyaan, letakkanlah BE (modal auxiliary) sebelum The Expletive There.


1. Statement : There is a book here.

Yes/No Question : : Is there a book here?

Short answer : Yes, there is. No there isn't

2. Statement : There will be music at the party.

Yes/No Question  : Will there be music at the party? 

Short answer : Yes, there will. No, there won't.

3. Statement : There are a lot of easy lessons in this book.

Yes/No Question : Are there a lot of easy lessons in this book

Short answer  : Yes, there are. No, there aren't.


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